Person observing sheep in a green field with distant hills and a farmhouse.
Eco-friendly award badge icon with leaf symbol

High integrity soil carbon credits that benefit rural communities, nature and the climate

Regenerate Outcomes generates soil carbon credits which you can use to offset residual emissions

  • Pound symbol inside circle with leaves, representing financial growth and investment.

    What are soil carbon credits?

    A soil carbon credit represents one tonne of CO2 equivalent that has been removed from the atmosphere and stored in the soil as a result of regenerative farming practices. 

    Regenerate Outcomes also generates carbon credits from the evidenced reduction of farm emissions.

  • Icon of a vegetable bowl with a carrot, pumpkin, and leek

    What is regenerative agriculture?

    Regenerative agriculture is a system of producing food in synchrony with nature that repairs and rebuilds ecosystem function and sequesters carbon from the atmosphere.

How does Regenerate Outcomes support farmers?

Transitioning to regenerative agriculture is not always easy, with cultural, financial, and knowledge barriers to overcome. 

Regenerate Outcomes supports farmers to successfully make this transition through our education and mentoring programme led by experienced regenerative farmers.

Farming practices may include:

Line drawing of bacteria in a petri dish
Illustration of seedlings growing in soil
icon of a hand sprinkling seasoning
Simple bee icon with wings and antennae.

Growing cover and companion crops to armour the ground and stimulate microbial activity

Moving from set-stocked continuous grazing to adaptive grazing which increases sward diversity and builds root structures

Reducing the application of synthetic inputs which disturb the biological processes in soil, cause greenhouse gas emissions and harm water catchments

Increasing the diversity of livestock, crops, vegetation and trees to replicate the biodiversity of a natural ecosystem

Outline of eco-friendly emblem with leaf design

Verified Carbon Standard

Regenerate Outcomes generates high integrity carbon credits with the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), the most established and rigorous standard in the voluntary carbon market. 

The specific VCS methodology used is VM0042 Improved Agricultural Land Management

This involves laboratory-based soil carbon analysis and conservative carbon modelling. A VCS-approved third party verification body (VVB) ensures that all data is accurately collected.

Technical partners

Farm mentoring: Understanding Ag

Soil carbon analysis: Agricarbon

Soil health analysis: PES

Satellite services: Loamin

Validation and verification: Aster Global