‘A process farmers can trust’: Meet Annie from Agricarbon

High integrity soil carbon baselining and monitoring

Regenerate Outcomes helps farmers make the transition to regenerative agriculture as effectively, smoothly and profitably as possible. 

We do this through mentoring from leading regenerative farmers, to fast track your learning by giving you the best advice available, and by generating internationally recognised carbon credits which can be sold to create additional revenue.

A soil testing core extracted by Agricarbon

It is essential that the carbon baselining and monitoring for these credits is of the highest integrity possible and compliant with recognised carbon market protocols, to ensure the long-term value of the credits and maximise returns for our farmers. 

This is why we work with Agricarbon, who have developed a method of measuring soil carbon defined by those protocols but at a low enough cost to deploy at scale. 

Getting the best results for farmers

Agricarbon achieve this through the use of an industrial scale, robotic processing facility, which guarantees a high degree of accuracy in their soil sample analysis and a high sample throughput. 

We caught up with co-founder Annie Leeson to find out more about Agricarbon’s approach and how it ensures the carbon credits we produce are of the highest value to both carbon buyers and our farmer members.

"The real driver for founding Agricarbon was to unlock as much value as possible from soil carbon for farmers to fund their transition to regenerative farming,” says Annie. 

Regenerate Outcomes: Coaching in regen ag to generate revenue through carbon credits

Annie Leeson, co-founder of Agricarbon

“To do this we use a cost-effective way to capture reliable and trusted soil data to underpin any kind of carbon farming scheme.

“It's absolutely vital for the carbon farming market that robust evidence validates that the soil carbon benefits are real and accurately quantifies how much carbon dioxide farmers are removing from the atmosphere.”

Credible carbon credits with long-term value

Agricarbon provides robust evidence, defined by requirements set out in carbon credit protocols.

This means income generated by Regenerate Outcomes is reliable in the long term because the credits will be attractive to carbon buyers.

The process is also highly cost-effective, ensuring as much income as possible for farmers.

“It’s a process that farmers can trust,” says Annie. 

“The reason they can trust it is because carbon buyers trust it. It's been designed explicitly to meet the required standards.

The Agricarbon app

"Agricarbon has built an industrial scale robotic soil processing facility. Effectively everything that the lab would usually do is done mechanically.

“This massively reduces the cost of processing each sample, which means you can take enough samples to create reliable and statistically sound baselines and measurements of changes over time. 

Accurate soil carbon sampling

"Our automation and robotics also bring greater accuracy to the analysis. Testing can be unpredictable and variable if it's done by human beings across different laboratories. Typically, the margin of error you would expect would be about 20 per cent across most labs. Agricarbon's margin of error is far lower.

“Our automated soil processing technology also measures bulk density for every single sample.

“Measuring bulk density - which allows us to calculate how much soil you have got - is vital to converting the percentage of organic carbon in that soil into an accurate measure of the total tonnage of carbon, known as ‘soil carbon stock’. 

Soil carbon testing by Agricarbon

“Agricarbon combines several important factors together; very high throughput at low cost, analysing enough samples, increased lab precision and measurement of bulk density for every sample. 

“This foundation of data ensures reliable quantification of soil carbon changes and credibility of the carbon credits sold by Regenerate Outcomes.

“You've got this brilliant match between the integrity of the data from Agricarbon and the intelligence of the people within Regenerate Outcomes, who can use it to provide a really solid underpinning for their carbon claims.”

Find out how we can help

Get in touch to find out more about how we can help support your move to regenerative farming through expert coaching and carbon baselining and monitoring.


Join us for our autumn and winter webinar series


Understanding soil carbon: How plants and animals increase carbon stocks in healthy soils